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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sexy Vegetables

1 comment:

Christine said...

This is soooooooooooooo hilarious! I love how the cnn chick just slams him and makes him seem soooooooo silly with his justifications! And no offence to any Americans reading, but his silly words in combination with his accent just makes him sound like the biggest Redneck ever! It is great to see the comparison between the Paris video and PETA's video. PETA gets a lot of criticism for being too extreme, but when you compare their video to the Paris one, there is no difference, just that they are advertising a different thing, one meat, one my opinion, there is just no arguing that one is more, or less sexy/more or less acceptable than the other and it just proves that yes there is definitely a double standard out there!

I keep expereincing obsurd responses from people, even some I call(called) friends and thought I knew well when it comes to trying to let people know about the importance of animal rights and animal welfare-and where you stand on the issue. This dude is right up there with everyone else who feels soooooooooooo threatened by the issue that veggies are good for you, and that in the interest of ones personal health a reduction of meat intake would be benificial, that they start to make absolute fools of themselves by trying to argue a point that is just not valid at all. 'I don't want to eat veggies after seeing this add'....hello?!! I think this dude should be eating a lot more veggies, he definitely doesn't look his ideal body weight!

If the one add with veggies is too sexy then the network doesn't need to be airing the just as sexy, if not sluttier....(I mean come on's Paris)....either! I could respect the decision to refuse to air both ads, both are racy, and I am a mom, and honestly I am not sure I would want my daughter watching either one of them right now- but I can not respect their decision to run the Paris one and then reject the PETA ad...that to me makes no sense at all!