Free Veg Starter Kit

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BAD MARS there is a large difference between killing an animal and killing an animal INHUMANELY! Mars Candy Inc. is Bad Bad News and they are treating animals horribly and then killling them simplly for tests that are unnecessary. Hershey's does not do these same tests and still produces great products, why can't Mars. Please read below and sign the petition if you like :) Most importantly tho, please check out the items Not to buy and avoid Mars products all together. Also spread the word, tha's how we all make a difference :) If you see someone eating a mars bar or skittles, tell them rabbits get pumped full of crap and then killed to be cut up and that a nice Hershey's kiss would do them much better. and hey you might even get a kiss out of it :) Thanks everyone.

Click on the picture below to tell Mars Candy Inc. to STOP!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

No WAY! I can't believe that they do that stuff to animals and yet at the same time so many of their products are food for animals!
And I had no idea that they made all of those things other than the candy.