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Friday, November 14, 2008

What is your Carbon Footprint???

What is Your Carbon Footprint???
Here is a really interesting website where you can calculate your carbon footprint. You may have done it before, but try it again and look closely at what the things are that are increasing your footprint. Things like your car are an obvious one. But things like buying locally are much more important than you'd believe. Don't worry too too much if you don't get your "house" calculations accurate.

Try entering in your calculations as they were 3 years ago. It's crazy and really optimistically inspiring :) Once you have your Carbon footprint number, write it down and also write down one or two things you can work on to lower it closer to the ideal world target :)

Here is my footprint. I really need to ditch the car. Anyway Have Fun!!!! :)


James Munroe said...
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James Munroe said...

6.8 WAAAAYYYY better than it would have been a year or two ago but I guess I'm still a long way off from 2. The cool thing is that all the times I take the bus to New York it only accounts for 0.1 tonnes. my worst part is the "secondary" so I'm going to try to start by buying more local goods.

Arianna said...

Hmmm....this is discouraging. I did mine, and without even putting in the house stuff cause I have NO idea how much to even guess (it's always included in rent), I'm at 9.45. I'm the same way James, secondary is by far the worst. I need to start buying local food.

Danny said...

35.4!! booo :( sorry. i suck.