Free Veg Starter Kit

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November: Animal Testing

Hi! :) Here is November's issue, Animal Testing :)


t. said...

this is good to know! there are some on there I can't believe, it is crazy to think how many of these products we buy without even thinking!

Shauna said...

I just wanted to say that that's awesome and totally helpful to have a list like that to look at. I can't believe how many popular products there are on that list.

Jason said...

I'm wondering if the companies that produce generic products are typically better with animal testing - any ideas on this?

James Munroe said...

Ya I was wondering that too. I need to buy SoftSoap but they test one animals. So If I get shoppers brand or whatever is that better?

Christine said...

This is super and very practical way to stop supporting something that is wrong for so many obvious reasons! I thought I was doing pretty well in choosing environmentally friendly products and animal friendly too, but to my surprise I found a few of the listed products in our household (listerine, palmolive, ziploc) so I know now and will make sure that I do not buy them again. I would like to print out a copy of the list which I will translate in German if it's OK with you and will post it at some local supermarkets to try to raise some awareness here in the local stores so that shoppers who don't know about( and I am sure that most of them do not)have the knowledge and can make the simple choice to choose an alternative! Thanks for this practical list that will help us all to make more informed choices in the future! ;)