Thursday, November 12, 2009
Perserverance & a little hard work!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
for part 2, skip to 6:10 min ok
part 3
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm Back and SLS!

This is still a debatable topic, but my opinion, if you like, ask around for skin products, hair products, and toothpastes that are SLS free. Skin irritation and canker sores are among the proven side effects of this chemical which cannot be metabolised by our liver.......
Friday, June 26, 2009
Clean power

So, want to do your part to reduce the horribly large amount of emissions created by coal-fired power plants and other polluting sources of power? Well if you live in B.C., Alberta or Ontario it’s easy: Signup online for Bullfrog Power.
Bullfrog Power is a 100% green, environmentally friendly electricity provider. It provides power for respected organizations in Canada such as the David Suzuki Foundation, the Pembina Institute and WWF Canada. It also powers companies like Good Earth and it can provide electricity for your home too!
It’s simple to sign up (it only takes around 5 mins) and it doesn’t mean that you switch electricity providers. All you have to do is sign up on their website and they will provide the same amount of energy you use back into the grid but from clean, environmentally responsible sources. This simple method of replacing what you use allows anyone to sign up without changing anything about their household electricity or bills. It also allows people in apartments who don’t have their own electricity bills to also offset their usage by estimating their monthly electricity consumption. All they have to do is estimate their usage using the easy tools on the Bullfrog website.
And it's cheaper than you think! Bullfrog Power charges 2 cents per kWh. According to their website that’s around $.50 a day. So check out Bullfrog Power’s website, it’s very informative and signing up there could be one of the most effective things you do to help save the environment. Also, enjoy this special offer just for SomethingSaved readers (and for everyone who goes to GoodEarth:) Just enter the promotional code “EARTH09” to receive your first month’s Bullfrog electricity free!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

• In 1 year a single coal power plant creates 3.7 million tones of carbon dioxide.
That number may not mean much right away, but think of it this way, creating 3.7 million tones of CO2 is equivalent to cutting down 161 million trees! Considering that there are more than 600 coal-fired power plants in the US alone this means that each year these plants pump out 2.2 billion tones of CO2 or 97 billion trees.
• Also in 1 year a single coal power plant produces 10,200 tones of Nitrogen Oxide, another greenhouse gas that creates smog and inflames lungs.
This number is equivalent to the yearly emissions of 500 000 late model cars. Want to know how many cars all of the coal power plants in the US are equivalent to? Try 300 million. That’s more than the total number of vehicles in the US! Think of it, all the cars and trucks in all of the US still create less pollution than the 600 coal power plants.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Where Does My TERRA PASS $$$$$ Go?????
Farm power: Harvested manure from livestock operations is put into special containers full of microbes which break down the waste and convert it to methane. Methane is then used to power electricity generators and provide energy. While it is true that these generators emit carbon dioxide, it is a much better option for three reasons: 1. The carbon is neutral in the sense that it was taken from the atmosphere by the grass that the animals ate and then put back when the methane is burned (no new CO2 is being added to the atmosphere) 2. The methane would otherwise be released to the atmosphere when the manure decomposed naturally; methane is 21 times as harmful from a global warming standpoint as CO2. 3. The electricity produced by burning this methane displaces the need for some electricity which would likely be produced in a coal powered plant, which is much worse for the environment.
Landfill methane collection: Similar to the previous, methane produced by decomposing waste in landfills is captured and converted to electricity.
Wind Power: Large scale wind production is subsidized to make it competitive with much cheaper but more environmentally harmful electricity production, such as coal powered plants.
Essentially the money you give to Terrapass prevents a given amount of CO2 or methane to be released into the atmosphere, this offsets the amount which is released when you take a flight or drive your car (yes you can offset your car for a whole year as well), making your action carbon neutral.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Flying & Offsetting Your Flight with TeraPass
Terra Pass allows you to offset your carbon footprint by paying an extremely small amount of money to make up for your flight. Terra Pass does tons of other things for all kinds of energy use, but I am focusing on flights because this is the first step we can ALL take!
I went to the Terra Pass website and typed in my flight (NY to Calgary non-stop) and it gave me a result as follows:

As you can see I pay a measly $11.90 to offset my flight. Ta-Dah!!!
This is important because this way we can all fly and experience the world around us while giving back to the environment at the same time! Please try to get in the habit of visiting the Terra Pass website after booking every flight you take, Expedia offers you the choice when you book and hopefully every airline will soon do the same! :) Here is a link to the website!

Monday, May 18, 2009
AIDS Walk - Thank You!!!

The AIDS Walk was an Awesome Success so thanks so much to everyone who sponsored me for helping me raise above my goal to $295!!! I appreciate it so very very much! The New York AIDS Walk raised over $5 million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danny, Andrew and I did the "Walk With Love" with Hilary Duff and it was pretty funny spending a day with a celebrity. haha very weird. So thanks again and remember every penny counts! :)
Watch the Videos Below :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Is MSG Making You FAT???

Sure, MSG (monosodium glutamate) makes even bland food taste better. And you probably consume more of it than you think. You can find it (or its variant gluamate) in processed foods ranging from Doritos to ranch dressing. But could this ingredient be expanding your waistline, regardless of your total calorie intake?
New research from China says yes. In fact, of the study participants, those who ate the most MSG were three times more likely to be overweight than those who ate no MSG. The study was controlled for physical activity and total calorie intake, and still MSG proved to be an overwhelming culprit for extra weight. Previous research had suggested MSG’s role in nerve damage, and some researchers claim it may worsen the progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
Knowing most shoppers would be wary of picking up something labeled with MSG, certain food manufactuers try to hide the ingredient’s presence under words like glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, calcium casinate and yeast extract, all which contain MSG. Even vague labels like natural flavors may masquerade its presence. And unlike trans fats, which are banned from foods labeled organic, MSG can be found in organic products (usually through the form of yeast protein).
I don’t doubt that MSG and its variants sneak into my diet once in awhile, but now I’m going to be even more diligent about reading labels and banishing it from my food for good.
By Lindsey Galloway
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day
I just got back from watching DisneyNature's new "Earth" movie and WOW it was unreal!
I hope you can get a chance to see it, you will not regret it :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
BAD MARS there is a large difference between killing an animal and killing an animal INHUMANELY! Mars Candy Inc. is Bad Bad News and they are treating animals horribly and then killling them simplly for tests that are unnecessary. Hershey's does not do these same tests and still produces great products, why can't Mars. Please read below and sign the petition if you like :) Most importantly tho, please check out the items Not to buy and avoid Mars products all together. Also spread the word, tha's how we all make a difference :) If you see someone eating a mars bar or skittles, tell them rabbits get pumped full of crap and then killed to be cut up and that a nice Hershey's kiss would do them much better. and hey you might even get a kiss out of it :) Thanks everyone.

Click on the picture below to tell Mars Candy Inc. to STOP!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
please watch the below video. please please please.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Shooting Wolves :( :( please sign
Hi. Please please sign this letter to the Obama administration about saving wolves. Wolves are an endangered species in certain places of the world and mean people are trying to allow mass killings, for no good reason. :(